Welcome to Public Transport in Hannover |
In Hannover you find
Operating Hours: Approximately 4am to 1am. Limited night service available.
Ticket Price Range: $$
Day Tickets: The price of a day ticket equals about 2 standard trips. Valid for a calendar day.
Kids free ride limit: 6 years. Discount for Kids up to 14 years.
Visitor Tickets available.
Ticket Channels: Vending machines at most or all stops,in Busses,App,Visitor Center
These special fares are applicable in the Hannover area:
Free ride for Kids under 6. Discount for Kids up to 14.
No senior fare available.
Small, tame animals (Cats, Dogs and similar) can ride for free if in a bag, a basket or another suitable container. For larger animals, a Kids ticket is required.
Special Visitor Ticket available:
The HannoverCard includes unlimited free travel by bus, local trains (S-Bahn), underground (U-Bahn) and regional trains within greater hannover area (a zone called GVH). It also offers discounts for museums, shops and more.
The HannoverCard is available for one, two or three days and for single or group use. Prices are moderate. Best value is a three day HannoverCard.
This public transport info for Hannover, Niedersachsen, Germany was correct when published. No guarantee for currently correct info. Always check locally for policies, fares and any other details. Price ranges are indicative only ($: up to 2 USD, $$ up to 4 USD, $$$: more than 4 USD per standard single trip). If not indicated otherwise, any fare examples are for local standard trips in coach class (2nd class, economy class or similar). All trademarks mentioned on this website, including logos etc. belong to the respective rightholders. V1.0